Using Parcel JS with Tailwind CSS, Elm Lang and Elm Spa
by Vincent Jousse
As I have been struggling to make Parcel JS, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, whatever-the-hell-you-call-it-CSS, Elm Lang and Elm SPA work together I thought that sharing my journey could help some of you. Here it is!
Server side syntax highlighting with Crystal lang, NOIR and Lucky framework
by Vincent Jousse
I hate to rely on Javascript to highlight code. This is something that we can and should do on the backend IMHO: no point in overloading the browser for that. This blog is written in Crystal and Lucky Framework and I was using Prism.js to highlight my code as I didn't found a ready to be used solution at that time. It's not the case anymore: NOIR and some custom renderer for Github Flavored Mardown library cr-mark-gfm did the trick. Here is a little tutorial on how I did it.
Manage multiple Crystal Lang versions
by Vincent Jousse
As Crystal 0.36 is now out on Crystal Lang you may want to manage multiple versions of the crystal compiler locally. Let's see how to do that quickly and easily.
Lucky Framework: upload a file with Shrine while keeping the original filename
by Vincent Jousse
On the Lucky's website, the way to go to upload files is to use Shrine.cr. The problem is that, by default,
is not using the original name of the file to store it, but instead uses a generated id. And of course, for my particuliar use case (serving files directly through Nginx) I need the file to be stored with it's original filename. -
Why you should give Crystal Lang a try: a quick review
by Vincent Jousse
I've been trying out Crystal Lang for a few months now and I have to admit that, I am really happy with it, even if it's not a functional language nor has a very strict compiler. The reason why is pretty simple: it's as easy to write as any dynamic language like Ruby, Python or PHP while still providing a compiler that is helpful. Kudos to the Crystal team for that!
Adding tailwindcss to your lucky project
by Vincent Jousse
A short post about how to add tailwindcss to your lucky project. Disclaimer: I'm new to the crystal programming language, to the lucky framework and all the frontend stuff including webpack and tailwindcss.
From python to Go to Rust: an opinionated journey
by Vincent Jousse
When looking for a new backend language, I naturally went from [Python] to the new cool kid: [Go]. But after only one week of Go, I realised that Go was only half of a progress. Better suited to my needs than Python, but too far away from the developer experience I was enjoying when doing [Elm] in the frontend. So I gave [Rust] a try.
Simple disk encryption tutorial with archlinux
by Vincent Jousse
We all love archlinux, or if we don't, we're using Fedora or Debian, and trolling is (almost) out of the scope of this article.
But let's be honest, even if the wiki is great, it can be intimidating sometimes. That's what happened to me yesterday. At AlloMedia, for security reasons, we're encrypting every laptop disk by default. As I'm using archlinux, I went to the wiki to follow how to "just" encrypt my disk. And well, the page is a little bit overcrowded, at the very least.
Elm Europe 2017: What can we do better
by Vincent Jousse
Last week, I went to my first Elm-only conference ever: Elm Europe 2017 in Paris. At first, I was very excited about it but, in the end, I couldn't help myself but thinking: we can do better next year. Let's discuss why.
Elm and Phoenix/Elixir in production for France TV
by Vincent Jousse
ready for prime time? I'll let you decide: they were both used in live during the main French political show called "L'émission Politique" to help generate a word cloud based on the guest speech. To the date of this writing, the guests were Nicolas Sarkozy (12 millions viewers), Arnaud Montebourg (9 millions) and lately Alain Juppé (13 millions). -
Interacting with a DOM element using Elm (audio/video tag example)
by Vincent Jousse
So, you want to write some Elm code because you're a Hipster and want to be in. Fair enough. But being a Hipster has some downsides too. You soon realize that, even if Elm is cool, it doesn't always provide all the things you may need. For example, how can you interact with the HTML Audio element or any element not yet covered by the Elm core modules? Don't worry, uncle Vince is here.
How to pass paramaters to a crossbar.io/autobahn python component
by Vincent Jousse
Recently, I've be playing with crossbar.io, a WAMP router and Autobahn|Python a library for writing WAMP compenents. It's really awesome to create reactive apps and to mix heterogenous applications together (python, JS, scala, PHP, whatever).
Installing ATLAS for Kaldi by disabling CPU Throttling on Archlinux
by Vincent Jousse
I was trying to compile ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) to install Kaldi on my new archlinux computer, and I ran into this error :
codeCPU Throttling apparently enabled! It appears you have cpu throttling enabled, which makes timings unreliable and an ATLAS install nonsensical. Aborting. See ATLAS/INSTALL.txt for further information xconfig exited with 1
Of course, the first thing I did was to check Google for the error, and the answer was pretty clear: disable CPU Throttling. "Cool story bro", but how can I do it?
Using Archlinux on a Retina (HiDPI) MacBook Pro with Xmonad
by Vincent Jousse
How to use the Dropbox API with scala and/or Play Framework
by Vincent Jousse
Recently, I had to connect a scala application to a Dropbox account. As I didn't found any good example on how to do so, I decided to write a blog post about it. Here we are.
How to fix archlinux (rEFInd) boot after Mac OS X upgrade
by Vincent Jousse
Yesterday I applied the Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 upgrade. And of course, after rebooting, my rEFInd boot had disappeared. Damned, it was booting directly under Mac OS X.
PHP: you love it or you leave it
by Vincent Jousse
I do love PHP. Well, to be more precise, I used to love PHP a lot, and I still respect it and people using/improving it. You can do whatever you want with PHP, from the very quick and dirty way, to the bloated framework way (oh c'mon).
Trust the h^Wtype
by Vincent Jousse
I was used to write a lot of PHP code, mostly using the symfony framework. When I discovered unit testing with PHP, I was like I had discovered a new way of programming.